The Prenatal Outreach Resource Team

PORT is a multi-sectoral approach that includes partners in health, social services, and the community. The program is designed to create a culture shift in Saskatchewan that wraps support around pregnant women with complex life situations by providing early and effective interventions in pregnancy that will reduce health complications in mothers and their infants and prevent children from being apprehended at birth.

supporting women in complex life situations

PORT coordinates wrap around care between community organizations and women in complex life situations. This provides greater opportunity for independent growth and is an alternative to inhouse programs such as Sanctum 1.5 . Early intervention in pregnancy through PORT helps meet the needs of women in the community and helps prevent child apprehension at birth.

PORT Locations

How we do it

PORT functions as a single point of contact that coordinates care to eliminate barriers associated with women at risk of having their children apprehended at birth. This intensive approach to care supports a wholistic model of care addressing the physical, social, mental, spiritual and environmental needs of the women we work with.

An intensive ‘case management’ approach is taken to identify, coordinate and connect women to needed existing health and social services. By providing holistic, trauma-informed, stigma and barrier-free, wrap-around support and by facilitating access to services that address the myriad of social, physical, emotional, mental, and relational needs, the PORT team will reduce the intersecting risk factors, thus increasing prenatal support and engagement and reducing children entering the foster care system.

Our Impact


HOW You can support our programs




We can help

If you are pregnant and are concerned your child is at risk of apprehension, contact PORT.

Women who are pregnant and at risk of their child being apprehended at birth who are experiencing any of the following:
  • At risk of contracting HIV/HCV while pregnant
  • Mental health and/or addiction
  • Previous and/or current MSS involvement
  • Transient or experiencing housing uncertainty and vulnerability
  • Interpersonal violence
  • Complex life situations


Can occur through health or social services referral, Community identification (through CBOs and partner organizations), and self-identification/referral.

  • A single point of contact coordinating hub
  • Wholistic, trauma-informed, stigma and barrier-free, wrap-around support
  • Connection to care, support, and services to meet all of their needs
  • Physical (shelter, food, clothing, medical needs)
  • Mental (counseling, support, specialists)
  • Social (peer navigators, and social support programming offered in the community)
  • Spiritual (cultural support worker who will connect mothers to: Elder, cultural teachings and safe care, other spiritual care, and connections that fit the woman’s belief system and needs)